Utah Tech University

Institutional Brand Usage


Maintaining visual standards is critical to projecting a clear message through visual elements. Deviations from such standards jeopardize the consistency of the UT identity and its communications.

All institutional logos are provided on the University Marketing & Communication website (umac.utahtech.edu/logos). In order to maintain brand integrity, all logos must remain in their original format and cannot be manipulated in any way. Logos must be placed on a solid background and are not to be combined with other elements of branding material.

Any design using UT-trademarked logos must be designed or approved by the University Marketing & Communication office. To request design work, visit creativeservices.utahtech.edu. For artwork approval, visit umac.utahtech.edu/uploadartwork.


active learning. active life.

When used in design, the “active learning. active life.” tagline should always be in Avenir Book font, lower case, with a period after each phrase. The entire tagline should fall on a single line and be provided in clear and stark contrast with any background colors or elements. The two phrases should never be separated by any design elements or moved to separate lines. All text should always be readable and unobscured. Text should never be rotated or vertically distributed. The tagline should always be used in tandem with the Utah Tech University institutional logo (stylized UT) and should never be smaller than 25 percent of the institutional logo.

When referring to “active learning. active life.” as our tagline, use quotation marks around the entire tagline and periods at the end of each phrase. However, when referring to “active learning. active life.” conversationally, use a comma between the two phrases and no quotes. Examples: Utah Tech University’s tagline is “active learning. active life.” We encourage you to come to Utah Tech and take advantage of the institution’s unique active learning, active life experience.

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