President Williams

State of the University

President Richard B. Williams shares Utah Tech’s accomplishments of the past year and vision for the upcoming year.

What you need to know

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Time: Doors open at 10:30 a.m. the address starts at 11 a.m.

Location: The M.k. Cox Performing Arts Center

What you will see

National Anthem
Raging Red

Welcome & Remarks
Ms. Taylor Godfrey, President UT Student Association

Staff Association Remarks
Ms. Tiffany Draper, President Staff Association

Faculty Senate Remarks
Dr. Samuel Tobler, President Faculty Senate

Board of Trustees Remarks
Mr. David L. Clark, Chairman UT Board of Trustees

State of the University Address
Dr. Richard B. Williams, 18th President of UT



Lunch will be provided in the Burns Arena Concourse following the address

Where you can park

Parking is open on campus during the event. Parking will be first come first served.


Parking in fire lanes is prohibited and violators will be ticketed.

Parking Map

If you can't make it

If you are unable to attend but would still like to get the information you can watch the address live.

2018 State of the University